Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in the Manufacturing Sector: What Do We Know and What Should We Know? In: S. Ray, R. Chambers and S. Kumbhakar (Eds.) Handbook of Production Economics, Vol. 2, Springer (forthcoming, 2022).
Firm Strategies under Covid-19 induced uncertainty: Implications for policy (with V. Sena). In: P. McCann and T. Vorley (Eds.) Productivity and the Pandemic: Challenges and Insights from Covid-19, Elgar, 2021.
Spillovers from FDI in Emerging Market Economies. (with N. Driffield, M. Song and P. Vahter). In: R. Grosse and K.E. Meyer (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Management in Emerging Markets, Oxford University Press, New York, 2019.
Governance: Some Observations. In: P. Ray, R. Sarkar and A. Sen (Eds.) Economics, Management and Sustainability: Essays in Honour of Anup Sinha, Springer, 2018.
The Political Economy of Financial Development: A Survey. In: Y.K. Dwivedi et al. (Eds.) Emerging Markets from a Multidisciplinary Perspective, Springer, 2018.
Poverty’s Deconstruction: Beyond the Visible (with I.N. Gang and M.S. Yun). In: R. Lensink, S. Sjorgen and C. Wihlborg (Eds.) Paths for Sustainable Economic Development, L, S & W, Gothenberg, Sweden, 2017.
Publishing in Management Journals: How is It Different from Economics Journals? (with S. Estrin). In: T. Clark, M. Wright and D.J. Ketchen Jr (Eds.) How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2016.
Future Outlook for Indian Multinationals. In: M. Thite, A. Wilkinson and P. Budhwar (Eds.) Emerging Indian Multinationals: Strategic Players in a Multipolar World, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2016.
Sources of Competitiveness and Multinationality: Emerging Market Firms in the Electronics Industry (with N.L. Driffield and Y. Zhou). In: L. Tiyanhi, E. Banalieva, T.M. Devenney and T. Pedersen (Eds.) Advances in International Management, Vol. 28: Emerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises, Emerald, 2015.
Gender and Ethnicity in Post-conflict Kosovo (with I.N. Gang and M.S. Yun). In: W. Naudé, A.U. Santos-Paulino and M. McGillivray (Eds.) Fragile States: Causes, Costs, and Responses, Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.
Earnings Inequality in India: Has the Rise of Caste and Religion Based Politics in India had an Impact? (with M. Chakrabarty). In: A. Shariff and R. Basant (Eds.) Handbook of Muslims in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009.
Stock Market Volatility and Market Risk in Emerging Markets: Evidence from India (with S. Bose and R. Sensarma). In: G.N. Gregoriou (Ed.) Stock Market Volatility, Chapman Hall-CRC/Taylor and Francis, London, 2009.
Demographic Events and Timing of Monetary Transfers: Some Evidence from Germany. In: A. Gauthier, S. Tuljapurkar and C. Chu (Eds.) Riding the Age Waves: Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations, Kluwer, 2006.
Foreign Direct Investment: A Brief Overview of the Micro Issues. In: H.S. Kehal (Ed.) Foreign Investment in Rapidly Growing Countries: The Chinese and Indian Experiences, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2005.
Foreign Direct Investment in India (with P.L. Beena et al.). In: S. Estrin and K.E. Meyer (Eds.) Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2004.
The Indian Banking Industry: A Commentary (with P. Mukherjee). In: P. Banerjee and F.J. Richter (Eds.) Economic Institutions in India: Sustainability Under Liberalization and Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2002.
Wealth Accumulation, Fertility and Transfers to Elderly Heads in Peru (with J.B. Nugent). In: A. Mason and G. Tapinos (Eds.) Sharing the Wealth, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
Exit the State, Enter …… Hausbanks?: A Critique of the Privatization Process in Bulgaria (with I. Jackimova and D. Kelleher). In: M. Gupta and J. Ray (Eds.) Themes on Development Economics, Allied Publishers, 2000.
Educational Attainment in India: What Drives Transition? (with M. Chakrabarty). ICRA’s Bulletin – Money & Finance, February: 95-112, 2013.
The Extent and Impact of Outsourcing: Evidence from Germany (with C. Aubochon and S. Bandyopadhyay). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/August: 287-304, 2012.
Determinants of MNCs’ Entry Modes into Emerging Markets: Some Evidence from India. ICRA’s Bulletin – Money & Finance, February-July: 35-53, 2004.
The Emerging Indian Bond Market: Evolution, Problems and Prospects (with S. Bose and D. Coondoo). Journal of Global Financial Markets, Spring: 33-43, 2003.
Peasant Uprisings in Bengal: A Case for Preference Falsification. Economic and Political Weekly, 37(47): 4741-4746, 2002.
RBI’s Intervention in Foreign Exchange Market: An Econometric Analysis (with H. Mukhopadhyay). Economic and Political Weekly, 35(5): 373-376, 2000.
NPA Variation across Indian Commercial Banks: Some Findings (with I. Rajaraman and N. Bhatia). Economic and Political Weekly, 34(3/4): 161-168, 1999.
Deregulation and the Limits to Banking Market Competition: Some Insights from India (with J. Sarkar). International Journal of Development Banking, 16(2): 29-42, 1998.
Stock Exchange Futures in India: Does the Market Justify its Use? Economic and Political Weekly, 32(41): 2608-2611, 1997.
Has Credit Crunch Led to Industrial Stagnation: A Disequilibrium Approach (with H. Mukhopadhyay). Economic and Political Weekly, 32(18): 964-967, 1997.
Liberalization vs. Regulations: Some Lessons for Financial Restructuring. Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies, 3(2): 2-14, 1996.
Assessing the Climate for Enterprise Risk Management in India (with E. Hexter and M. Tonello). Research Report No. E-0016-08-RR, The Conference Board, 2008.
Productivity and the Economic Cycle. BIS Economic Paper No. 12, UK Department of Business Innovation and Skills, March 2011.
Contribution of Trade and Investment to High Growth Firms (with K. Bonner, M. Anyadike-Danes, Y. Gong, M. Hart and Y. Temouri). Report prepared for UK Trade & Investment.
Investment Efficiency Among a Cross-Section of UK Firms: Implications for the Debate on Financing Constraints (with K. Bonner and M. Hart). Working Paper No. 12/11, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, UK, October 2012.
What do We Know About the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Finance and Growth? (with S. Fraser and M. Wright). White Paper No. 4, Enterprise Research Centre, UK, April 2013.
Review of “Helping Countries Develop: The Role of Fiscal Policy”; Eds. S. Gupta, B. Clements and G. Inchauste. Review of Development Economics, 10(2): 720-722